Wednesday 6 September 2017

Ed Hill plays at Island Street Bar and Grill - Salcombe - 7th Sep

Ed Hill plays at Island Street Bar and Grill - Salcombe - 7th September

6pm - 9pm
This is a work social event held at 'The Island Street Bar and Grill' - I will be taking my guitar down for some impromptu singing for my colleagues. All are welcome as it is a public bar, so feel free to come and listen.

Ed Hill plays at Malborough Church Concert

Ed Hill plays at Malborough Church Concert

In October - (will confirm date) 7.30 - 9.30

I will be playing a set of original songs and cover songs. CD's will be for sale.

Ed Hill plays at Panache Concert

Ed Hill plays at Panache Concert - Galmpton Church

30th September - 7pm - 10pm

I will be playing a prelude of originals, covers and instrumental music with my friend, before the Panache choir perform.

Ed Hill plays at The Creeks End 6th Spetember - 8-10

The Creeks End - Kingsbridge (Open Mic)- 8-10

Wednesday 6th Spetember - 8-10
This event happens on the first Wednesday of every month. It is an open mic night so there will be other people playing as well. So if you know anyone who would like to perform some music for the first time, get back into performing or just get to know local musicians come down.

Ed Hill One Republic Counting Stars Cover